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  • 20 Days
  • 73 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


LEAP-E program development is designed to create a specialized intervention curriculum for educators. Children 4 Tomorrow has demonstrated the capacity to continually raise awareness through its LEAP program and format. This program is a modified format directed at raising awareness to educators with respect to emotional child abuse. Emotional child abuse is challenging since it is often seen as less acute than other forms of abuse, although its impact upon children can be severe and long-lasting. Teachers and school faculty members, more than other groups of adults, are trained professionals who interact with hundreds of children daily. However, many educators lack the tools to identify and address the emotional abuse, where countless children are victims. LEAP-E provides these educators with a solution and has developed a mechanism for the teacher to further address emotional abuse. LEAP-E is a six-hour course tailored to the needs of educators in providing these tools to the most numerous professional adult group. This program allows professionals to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Professional Development Units (PDU).



LEAP-E Plan, $150.00


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